What is included in your ‘friends & couples’ AND FAMILY tourS ?

- Accommodation at the house for the length of your trip.

- 1 meal per day in a recommended restaurant. It could be lunch or dinner. Ex. If your trip is 7 nights, 7 meals would be included.

- 1 to 5 experiences/activities a day. You can select them or we can help you!

You can choose them from the OUR TOP EXPERIENCES or we can put together our ideal plan for your private group.

- Pickup & drop off at Malaga’s airport or train station.

- Full fridge for your breakfasts. After having breakfast, I will pick you up, and start your private tour!

- Expert tour director (myself) guiding your group around south Spain. 24/7 available.

- Transportation in a new rental SUV, car or van, depending on the size of the group, gasoline and parking costs.


Prices will depend on the length of your stay, the size of your private group, and the activities/excursions chosen.

If you have no preferences, we will send you a customized itinerary with our recommended places to see & activities to do.

Please contact us for your customized itinerary and rates.

Get in touch HERE